Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups

When viewing my groups film opening you may notice that the characters within the film either conform or subvert with stereotypes that the characters are based on. One of the issues when filming was that as half of our group left we were the only ones left to film, edit and act because of this we feared that their would be a lack of diverse characters (ethnicity, gender, etc) in our film and we tried to work around this by adding characters who are never seen (The Observer) which I then edited their voices to make them sound more different compared to other characters.

One of the theories that I used was Levi Strauss's Binary opposite theory. This was because I wanted the audience to identify the hero and the villain of the film easily which is why I tried to make The Hunter the exact opposite of The Infiltrator. This can be seen as The Hunter shown to be mysterious and sinister as his face is hidden and can appear to be anywhere he wants to be making him seem to be very powerful. On the other hand we see The Infiltrator the silent spy who wears dark coloured clothes allowing him to sneak around without being noticed this suggests he's a professional at what he does. He also, at the end of the film charges at The Hunter showing us that he doesn't fear getting killed making him look brave and fearless which shows the audience that he is the hero.

Firstly the Callum's role as The Infiltrator takes inspiration from the hero role which means he is shown as being strong, brave and fearless another popular spy genre character who fits this role is James Bond from the James Bond films. This can be scene throughout the opening he shows that he can overcome the obstacles in his way such as hiding from The Hunter when he is tricked into activating the alarm showing that he never panics even when the odds are against him. However I didn't want him to be an exact copy of the hero stereotype which would show him as being far more powerful than all the other characters making the villains not seem lie a threat to him.

One of the ways that I made him subvert from this was adding scenes to make him seem weaker and more like a real person. These were when he questions if The Hunter is someone he knows only to be informed that that person died long ago where he sadly replies making us sympathize with him. The other scene were I made him look weaker is the ending when he is shot by The Hunter and his fate is left unknown this was done to show the audience that The Infiltrator is still human and not some unstoppable force which was also to make him look weaker and more realistic as getting shot would stop most people in their tracks.

The Observer who was voiced by Luke shows traits of the helper role as throughout the opening however one of the main things about him is that we know nothing about him it except his gender this was done to make him have a more mysterious vibe coming from him as he is aware of what is going on around him directing The Infiltrator to the USB sticks location but is still confused by the alarm catching him off guard.

In contrast, the character played by Luke The Hunter definitely conforms with the role of stereotypical villain. This is because he wears a hoodie hiding his face making him seem more mysterious as his identity is unknown. He also when he first appears catches The Infiltrator off guard showing him as more stronger than the hero of the film.

When creating the characters I took inspiration from other spy films such as Skyfall (2011) and Casino Royale (2006) as they were two very successful action/stealth films so I took inspiration from some of the camera angles from the films opening to make my film look more dramatic. One of the biggest inspirations from my film was the Metal Gear Solid video game series mainly the characters interactions with each other as I based The Infiltrator and The Observer on the characters Solid Snake and Otacon  who helps guide snake throughout facility when they meet each other. The Hunter also shares takes some inspiration from the villains seen in the Metal Gear Solid games as they are usually spies, mercenaries who have special abilities which can be seen through The Hunter as he can seemingly appear out of nowhere which is an ability the character Psycho Mantis does in the games.

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