Friday, 17 February 2017

Preproduction 1 Location Recce

Location Recce

Before we start filming I went to the film location and took photo's of the area so I could see what I can use to improve our film.


When I went to the location I discovered that there were many different corridors all around the building. This will be beneficial to our film because it will give us a larger area to film the chase sequence.

Furthermore, Some of the corridors lead to a dead end or a locked door. We could use this areas as places for The Infiltrator to hide from The Hunter during the chase sequence and also when he is communicating with The Observer.

Also the corridors which have loads of turns can be used to create suspense as The Hunter could be hiding behind one of the corners preparing to attack The Infiltrator.


Another thing that I discovered about the location is that the stairs within the building can be used to create very interesting camera shots such as the second photo which shows what a low angle shot from the top of the stairs looks like.

Also, Similar to what I said about the corridors they lead to many places around the film location this means that I can use them to make the chase scene go around the whole building which will help make my chase scene longer.
In addition, this set of stairs has a small part by the door in the photo that could also be used by The Infiltrator to hide from The Hunter and when he talks to The Observer.

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